Austria, Wels
May 20, 2025 - May 22, 2025
Industrial subcontracting, Mashine technology
International exhibition for manufacturing techology.
The Intertool is Austria’s only trade fair for manufacturing technology in the metal processing sector. It focuses on machine tools and precision tools for separating and forming work piece processing, as well as fixtures and fittings, techniques, technologies and systems along the entire process chain.
Within the framework of the Intertool there is also the Scheweissen / Join-ex, the international trade fair for welding, joining, cutting, testing and protecting.
As a trade fair in its own right it provides the Intertoolwith another important area of manufacturing technology. Around 250 exhibitors from 14 countries, many of whom are market leaders and at the technological vanguard in their sectors, use the Intertool and scHWeIsseN / JoIN-eX as their chosen commercial stage in Vienna. There will be around 27,000 decision makers, managers and entrepreneurs from Austria and another 40 countries of the metal processing world
Thematics: forming machine tools; cutting machine tools; abrasive machine tools; other machines and tool machines; work piece and tool handling technology; precision tools; surface treatment technology; quality assurance, gauging and inspecting; fluid technology; components, parts and accessories; work safety, protection and shop floor equipment; industrial software and engineering; services; institutes, associations